Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has this lamp been discussed yet? It's from the restaurant at LAX theme building. The restaurant is called Encounter". I have more pictures from there if anyone wants, it appears that these were made just for the restaurant, they are about 2 foot high. I would die to get my hands on one.

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There was a story behind these lamps posted on the old forum. They are one-off custom Giant lava lamps made by LavaWorld. I believe they were a different color when first placed and have since been refilled to the current color.

I have examined these twice, and LampHead is correct.

Encounter is a REALLY cool restaurant, in a very interesting building, and the theming starts in the elevator with some spacey music (one of these songs plays on their website). I honestly can't remember how many lamps there are - somewhere around 8 or 9 - and they were originally red/yellow and white/blue. When I visited in 2005, they had been used all day, every day for a few years, and were cooked. They still flowed, but the colors were now brown/yellow and amber/clear, respectively. The employees were happy to discuss them with me, and disassembled one for me to examine (photos attached). The bases were black Giants with the lower cone chopped off for height, and this cone was screwed to a large steel disc which was, in turn, screwed to the mounting surface (they are around the bar and at edges of the seating area near staircases). Over this base and the globe is placed the spun metal cover, which is centered both by the globe and the slightly raised disc. A copper cap was fitted over the rubber/plastic top cap and secured from coming off using small screws, the way a piece of lighting fixture glass is secured, and this was topped with a big square of white velcro. The spun metal saucer sat over this, and had the corresponding velcro up inside.

I went back in spring of '08. At this point, all globes had been replaced with Grande globes, save one at the far right-hand end of the dining room off in a corner. I believe they used yellow/blue and yellow/violet, and they were a bit cloudy but flowing well.
what A great lamp very cool and ufo style. Also love this cool restaurant it looks great.
Anyone with access to metal-spinning equipment might be able to make the base and cap for one of these with aluminum, or have it made at a local shop. The cap saucer is, I believe, two pieces joined at the widest point. I have photos showing that the curvature of the top and bottom parts of the saucer are different. I think these looked their best in the original red/yellow and white/blue.

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