Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This is the place to post your creative efforts for the Halloween Poetry (and Short Story) Contest. Please refrain from discussion in this thread. And post your discussion on the Blog post.
Good luck,

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BY the light of the Full Moon on a blustery all Hallowes' night, I was wandering through the Old Church yard and received a most terrible fright!

For there, behind an Olde Gravestone I glimpsed a Skeletal hand. My blood ran cold as I tried to make Quick Haste, you'll understand!

AS i made my way to the creeking old gate, the moonlight turning Dull, my terror was complete when I saw, floating behind me, the chattering SKULL!!
In my dream I sweat with fright
a blob of lava oozed in the night
I screamed and yelled, but no one came
I tried to run, my feet felt lame

As it came closer, I took note
flat it crawled, it did not float
I stood tall, proud and brave
before this thing, would not be knave

No regal blob would sag as such
no craven thing would I fear much
The sign I saw it made me blush
"made in China"? this crap I'll FLUSH!

Oh, there's the door again.

Lets see who it is.
Sarah Palin and a gaggle of kids.

That makes 12 Palins, but what the hey,
some may have been Tina Fey.

I feel sorry for that nerdy boy that
dressed up as a Lava Lamp.
It must've sounded like a good idea...

Quote the Raven "Buy a Lava Lamp made it China? - Nevermore!"
Beware, the ghouls who BOO!
Floating silently,
Like balls of goo...
Well, what a lame turnout - I guess this what happens when there is no prize! You greedys sons of.. guns.
Given the small turnout, I dont think we need any official poll, just a head count. Post your votes in this thread.

I vote for killerkeith's. Very clever, lava related, and a surprise ending! Just like any good halloween flic.

I vote killerkeith too!
OK, I know that it's too late...but I just pulled this out of my ear, so I thought that I'd share.

Halloween creeps up on a black cat's feet.
Children are lurking - dressed for a treat.

Time for decorations, here and then there.
Anything that will give the kiddies a scare!

Bring out the lava lamps-the orange and the black!
Once I get started there's no turning back!

Skeletons hanging here! A ghost flaps in the breeze!
The terror alone should bring them to their knees!

Amongst these creatures, scared and alone,
I dream of my safe and cozy home.

For all that I desire on this spooky night,
Is to bask in the glow of my lava lamp light!

I posted the following on Mark Goo's page yesterday, I should have put it here

Thanks Mr. Goo;-). I expected a lot more input from long-time goo-heads, and a lot of competition. I didn't even know what I was going to write until I was finished! I thought my poem would be humorous and get everyone on the ball. Thanks All!

Very good "Bert" I would vote for yours!

This was a fun one!  I was just a newbie then ;)

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