I received today, my Fantasia UFO lamp. I have to say, this thing is a BEAT and could pass for the real thing! It weighs in at 15lbs, 21" across and 19" high with fibers. Freaking HUGE.
Ok - I could not wait after seeing it's beauty. Here you go..
Permalink Reply by Kris on November 3, 2009 at 8:33am
Thanks everyone! Yeah, this thing is amazing and I just can't get over how big it is. I have uploaded a video and it's in the first post. Took it the same time I did the pics just forgot to put it up. The colors are very bright and vivid. A big thanks to sharpie for fixing part of my color wheel. It looks like something got on and ate away half the blue and green areas. I cleaned them up and was left with bare spots. The sharpie markers matched the colors exactly and are just as vivid as the originals. This will be fine until I get the gel replacements. Need to research that a bit. Other than that, it's great. It came in really dirty and grimy as most lamps do so I shined it up back to new and was thoroughly impressed.
It was purchased on eBay. The guy had a buy it now for $90 and a make an offer. I made an offer. I did not want to pay that much at the time, however if I knew then what I know now - I would have bought it now in a heart beat. Cost me $70 + shipping, About $98 total in the end. Worth every penny.
Thanks for the video Kris. I don't know whether it is the lamp itself or the way you filmed it but this video really captures the beauty of optic fibre lamps..
I'm trying not to sound like a teenage girl but.....O...M...G!!!! I am so jealous.
How such beautiful things ever went out of fashion is totally beyond me.
Permalink Reply by Kris on November 5, 2009 at 8:26am
Sadly no stickers of any kind except the UL one. Only way I knew it was a Fantasia was the inside parts. I understand why the stickers are not on these things anymore. With age and the heat they create, the stickers dry up and no longer "stick". They fall off and are lost for good. The lamps I have with stickers, have this issue. I have to keep the stickers in a safe place or they will be lost.
The lamp did not come with a spray. I tried my Sunburst spray but it was too long and dragged along the lamp edge and looked terrible. So I tried my Cosmos spray and that is the one that you see in the pics/vid. Looks perfect. I am curious to know what actual spray it uses since the Sunburst spray is too long and does not look right yet the lamp itself accepts only the Sunburst size.