Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Few questions for my Grande - Sticking wax and wax at top

Hey people..


So after i filtered my Grande with great success i have begun experiencing other problems.


First of all.. The wax tends to stick to the side of the globe.. Autumn told me to add Glycerin to the liquid, which i did but the wax still sticks, however not much but still enough to irritate me. I've the decided to try the method described in the Lava Library, but i have a few questions:

1. The guide tells me to use Dawn dish soap. However here in DK i cant get such. Will normal Dish soap do ?

2. Iam told to empty the bottle. This includes the wax i presume ? Whats the easiest way to get the wax out?

3. Should i only use Dish soap or should i mix it with tap water ? In other words.. Am i just suppposed to clean the inside of the lamp or is it because the soap should be lubricated on the inside of the lamp


When the wax sticks its easy enough to get off, i just have to twist the lamp a few times.. But i would prefer not to have to do this :)


Then  i have another problem.. After adding glycerin to the mix its like the wax likes to stay at top. At first i thought it was because i needed a dimmer, as many has talked about but that doesnt help .. If i dim it down it still stays at top and flow just gets 'badder' and if dimmed enough down, all wax falls to the bottom.. Any ideas ?


I've added two pictures for you to see what i mean


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Cleaning the globe with the wax in is rather difficult so i gave up on this.. Gonna go get the wax out now using the base and then afterwards clean it.. Hope that not too much wax will stick on its way out though


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