Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've looked everywhere for a good bulb alternative.  After repeated attempts to order a bulb only to receive a box of glass shards I almost *ALMOST* gave up.

Since our lamps use 1-way sockets, they'll use the medium output on 3-way bulbs!  So I ran down to my local store, bought a $2 box of 50/100/150w bulbs, and it's been flowing for the first time in 2 years!  I thought I was going to have to mod the base a little bit since the bulbs are so huge, but the grande's base allows for the massive bulbs without a problem.  I had to bump the dimmer down just a bit since it's closer to the globe, but it was minimal.

As a perk, 3-way bulbs are exempt from the incandescent phase-out, so they'll be made for a long time :).

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It's a 52 oz Neon (China).


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