Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently purchased a wizard lava lamp on eBay. I dont even know if it counts as vintage but i do want to find a nice lamp to start my collection that wont empty my pockets. I know of centurys, coach lanterns, electrics, and wizards. I know about the vintage photo guide, but it doesn't have prices. For example i payed 11.50 usd for my wizard is that to much. Also I see a coach lantern for 24.99 is that overpriced of under priced.

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Good buys!


I have a multicolor/clear Wizard glitter bottle, and it's less impressive than it sounds. The glitter is fine like dust, and it soon settles to the bottom of the bottle in use. The cool factor is the rarity, I think (and it's currently awaiting trade).

Do you have a picture?

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Good buys!


I have a multicolor/clear Wizard glitter bottle, and it's less impressive than it sounds. The glitter is fine like dust, and it soon settles to the bottom of the bottle in use. The cool factor is the rarity, I think (and it's currently awaiting trade).

What are the numbers on the multicolored /clear Wizards ? Because till you guys mentioned they were multicolored I never even noticed mine looks like one but like Jonas said its like dust .My numbers are 30WG99. Would that be right?

Well i got my wizard. Its messed up and may need some work


Thats a good price for a wizard, my first wizard I paid 16

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