Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

so i ordered the pink lava with purple water GRANDE lava lamp from spencers.com and it came all cloudy and i could hardly see the lava. i emailed spencers and they said i would have to pay for shipping and ship it back to get a new one so i watch a youtube video on how to fix your cloudy lava lamp.

i empty the lava lamp and and filled it with Tap water. then i added some dawn dish soap. then i added little by little water with epsom salt mixed it in... my lava lamp was crystal clear and flowing great. the about a week later became very very cloudy/foggy and i dont know why...can anyone help me why it turned cloudy all the sudden.

 im going to order to goo kit and do it right this next time.

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Use only distilled water.  It's pure.  Tap water is no good.  Give it a try.  Also possible that "junk" in the old liquid is working it's way out of the wax. 

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