Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Can someone please tell me the difference between a Giant and a Grande lava lamp? I thought they were the same thing, just people called them either of these names, but I guess they are not the same?

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Giants=American made high quality

Grandes=China made low quality, although some are decent, also quality on newer is improving

on sight the big difference is the black base, but then within the globe we get into the US made Giant and the Grandes with their silver base are all China made. The Grandes are hit or miss, some are wonderfully clear others are so cloudy the wax may as well not exist at all.

I hope this won't be seen as a hijack of this thread!

But since the subject is giants/grandes...how tall are those suckers? 

my grande is 26.5" tall.

This tall:


Jus said:

I hope this won't be seen as a hijack of this thread!

But since the subject is giants/grandes...how tall are those suckers? 

now, why did I think they were 4' tall?

Wuts a four foot tall one called???

those are the lava colossus

Jus said:

now, why did I think they were 4' tall?

Wuts a four foot tall one called???

hmmmmm...wuts a humongo?

the humongo was the short lived US sold version of the Colossus.


I just bought my first giant!!

lucky ducky :P

Metallica man said:

I just bought my first giant!!

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