Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Can anyone tell how many oz this globe is? It is 9.5 inches tall if that helps, please & thank you!

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Probably a 32 ounce globe, although it might be 20 ounces.

Thank you, I was hoping someone would say it is 52oz.

Definitely NOT a 52 ounce globe.  It might even be smaller than 20 ounce considering the height of it.  A 52 ounce globe is wide right up to the top then has a shoulder to the neck.

52 ounce;


Michael Noriega said:

Thank you, I was hoping someone would say it is 52oz.

That is was I thought but was not quite sure. 52oz is committed and the sizes after that are serious and super serious. :)

How big do you think this one is, I think it is 52oz?

Yes, 52 oz.

Michael Noriega said:

That is was I thought but was not quite sure. 52oz is committed and the sizes after that are serious and super serious. :)

How big do you think this one is, I think it is 52oz?

Looks like I am getting better at this. Do you have a higher resolution version of that chart by any chance?

see attachedLIQ%20OZ%20chart.PNG
Michael Noriega said:

Looks like I am getting better at this. Do you have a higher resolution version of that chart by any chance?

Thank You!

You will be an expert in no time :D

Michael Noriega said:

Looks like I am getting better at this. Do you have a higher resolution version of that chart by any chance?

Thank you, kind Lava Grand Masters! :)

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