Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

After a hectic day of guesswork and cleaning after a wax accident, I finished my gookit! However, I cannot get it to flow well at all. I have been watching it all day, and it hasn't moved. The long column at the top is now gone, but it's still just sitting there. Any ideas on what to do to get it flowing like a champ?

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What u got for bulb wattage?


Try a 60, or a 40 watt spot bulb
I used a spot 40 watt and it worked great! Pulled it out of my nightmare before xmas lamp. They sell them at home depo

I tried a 60, and it didn't make a difference. Sometimes with the 40 a big blob splits off, hovers halfway up the globe and falls.

I just relized a spot wont work in that base, try a higher wattage bulb. A lot here have had to. The goo kits are diffrent these days

Metallica man said:
I used a spot 40 watt and it worked great! Pulled it out of my nightmare before xmas lamp. They sell them at home depo
Salt or fog juice mite help, or u can contact magma tower for hew wax. I went thru 5 before i got one to work!! With this new wax they have.

The salt did it! I added about a teaspoon or so (didnt measure, just poured a bit in), and it's almost flawless! I'm going to run it a few more times before I decide what to do with it. Thanks!

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