Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Talking to Mr GooKit about ways to color our lava light water he asked his chemist and emailed

me back. They can get the proper water dyes, but only in bulk.

I am interested for sure, and told I thought others on this forum would also be interested.


So vote here and I will do a count later.

Or maybe Mr GooKit lurks here and will see for himself.


How many would like to see GooKit offer different colors for your LL water?


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We are looking into it.  Our dye connection is sending us samples of dyes for the water that won't stain.  He did state that after time, the dye will build a little sludge on the walls of your tube.  It just means it's time to clean out the lamp. So once we get the samples, our labratz will start testing.  By the way, we just added two new colors, Aqua Blue and Violet.
Gus do you sell goo kits?

Good old McCormick brand liquid food coloring has worked fine for me

Yes Gus is the "Gookit Man"

Kempton said:
Gus do you sell goo kits?
I'm going to feature this (for a while) to try and elicit more participation.
I've used that liquid dye for soaps too from Hobby Lobby that works as well. I also got it to work on oil based glitter globes.
What a set of Lava Lamps you have Nice Colors.

LampHead said:

Good old McCormick brand liquid food coloring has worked fine for me

What do you mean by 'oil-based glitter globes', Dr.?

Just those cheap china knock off  glitters. Even the excaliburs had the same stuff in it. There's no odor to it, like LL globes do, and it has a oily feel to it so I just assume it's some sort of oil. Actually it came form this exact one. http://cgi.ebay.com/Chrome-Lava-Lamp-Clear-Fluid-and-Silver-Flecks-...

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

What do you mean by 'oil-based glitter globes', Dr.?
Well with red, blue, and yellow we can combine them to make almost any color we would need. Maybe instead of investing in a huge number of dyes it would be more cost effective to find an easy way to mix those three colors in a reliable way to make certain colors consistently. Maybe something like "2 red drops + 1 blue drop = purple" or "3 blue + 1 yellow light green". I spent a lot of time trying to make dye mixes that matched lava lites original colors but it is a pretty big hassle and I only got blue and purple to look almost like lava lites colors.

Purple for the water!!


What made you decide to use the soap dye instead of a food or water color?

Also, how long has it held up under use?

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I've used that liquid dye for soaps too from Hobby Lobby that works as well. I also got it to work on oil based glitter globes.

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