Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have two grande's one is working great now. But the other not so much. The one that works good the liquid lost a lot of color. The one that don't work well I'm going to goo kit, it's still has it's color. I'm wondering if I could switch the liquid? Or could the liquid be part of the problem causing the lamp not to work?

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Yea you could switch the liuqids - that should work as its most often the wax cauing the problems in a lamp.

With the one which isent working well - has that worked before?

I'm new to the Goo, so please forgive any crazy questions that I have. I've read in a few posts, including this one, that the Grande's will stop flowing after a while. I have three, and they are working beautifully (KNOCK ON WOOD). Can someone tell me why they eventually stop working, and how to prevent it from happening? I think I read in a post somewhere, that you should only run a Grande for 3-4 hours and then you should shut it off. Is that a true statement? Because I've been known to run mine for 10-12 hrs at a time. Thanx, Matt

Yea grande's (like all lava lamps) will degrade over time and will eventuality stop flowing or just not behave them selves. - The way to limit this degration is to only run lamps for 6-8 hours at a time, if you are running them for this time (say 8 hours) each day then they will probably last 4 years - that was the advice I have heard but others may have there own suggestions.

If you only have a grande on for 3-4 hours then it wont really start to flow so it really needs to be at least half a day for it to get flowing well.

Ya I run my grande for 24 hours. And all my 52oz lamps for 5 hours every night for the past 5 years. They still going strong! 

Matt Thomas said:

I'm new to the Goo, so please forgive any crazy questions that I have. I've read in a few posts, including this one, that the Grande's will stop flowing after a while. I have three, and they are working beautifully (KNOCK ON WOOD). Can someone tell me why they eventually stop working, and how to prevent it from happening? I think I read in a post somewhere, that you should only run a Grande for 3-4 hours and then you should shut it off. Is that a true statement? Because I've been known to run mine for 10-12 hrs at a time. Thanx, Matt

Thanks for the info Tim and Metallicaman, I appreciate it. And thanks to another post, talking about certain bulbs being discontinued.  I too have stocked up on some  R20-100 watters for my Grandes. Great site!!

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