Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi there everyone, my name is John and im the new guy around here. First id like to say what a great sight! Im loving all the pics and info. My first question is about the grande' s I see a lot of people have them and they look great and I would like to order one of but my problem is all the reviews I find seem to be complaining about being cloudy from the get go and not clearing up. I also was looking in the library on them and I found that the person who wrote about them there noticed the problem also. That post is a few years old that I read. Has this problem ben cleared up ( no pun intended ) . Or are they still like that when there new and you guys are filtering them or what? I want one but I dont want to have to mess with it right out of the box.

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Yes, you can post pics here from your computer. :) And yes, you must be lucky! That's awesome. 

Mattmos said:

No Kiddin', I must be the lucky one cause all four of these bad boys were non-cloudy. When I take the pictures, can I send them to my computer and upload from there?

Erin said:

No, I know. I haven't seen non-cloudy Grandes! Pics pics pics! 

I will say this, I've been wanting a Clear liquid/Black lava Grande, and it seems you can only get them from Amazon. After reading peoples comments about the clear/black lamp, everyone said that these lamps come very cloudy and they don't clear up too well, even after a few cycles.

 Heres what a clear Grande looks like....

 I bought 4 of these back in 2003, they were the first China made ones. Still crystal clear and run as good if not better then my Giants. These are the rare exception...most are garbage.

 Vid I forgot I had...Grande is in the center, the others are Giants

^ nice! I wish I knew I could get a good one. You just don't know when you buy one. And shipping back a Grande...is a pain. 

Hey Lamphead those are giants on the out side of the grande? Looks like they are the same size maybe a little taller. Are they the same size globe?

Also what happens if use just a standard 100 watt bulb?  Do they not get hot enough or what . I can get 4 for 2$ vs 1 for 6$

Giants are the same size as grande - they changed the name when manufacturing moved to china grandes are china made where as giants are USA made.

Captn Johnny said:

Hey Lamphead those are giants on the out side of the grande? Looks like they are the same size maybe a little taller. Are they the same size globe?

Hey Captain, I believe (not for sure) that the R20-100w bulbs have a lower profile than a regular 100w bulb. I think the regular 100w bulb may sit higher, so when you go to put your globe on the base, the bulb will smash. I did measure the R20-100w bulb and it is 3 1/2 inches tall and 2 1/2 inches at its widest point of bulb. Hope this helps and I hope I'm right. 

Captn Johnny said:

Also what happens if use just a standard 100 watt bulb?  Do they not get hot enough or what . I can get 4 for 2$ vs 1 for 6$

I don't know about the standard 100w bulb doesn't get hot enough but if it has a reflector then it should be fine.

I have measured the bulb from one of my grande and its 10cm long so if this is the same length then the ones you can easily get then they will be fine (check the picture) as well as this the bulb sits lower then the globe so if its a bit more then 10cm then it should be ok.

Also they don't have to be frosted but it helps the one in my pink grande isn't frosted and it flows fine. 

 Giants and Grandes are the same size, the Youtube video conversion smashed my video making it look funny.

   From what I remember the Grandes will not run on 100 regular bulbs, I think someone on here tried it years back.

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