Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

In the next few days I hope to finally filter one or both of my China-made Grandes.  Any tips outside of what is in the Lava Library?  I'll be using an MSR MiniWorks filter.

Does the cap on the Grande just unscrew?

Should I wash the inside of the globe after removing the liquid?  If so, what is the best way?

Should I be able to re-use the filter after filtering colored liquid?  I know the filters can be cleaned, but I'm note sure if the can be thoroughly cleaned to the point where I I could later filter a lamp with clear liquid.


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The grande cap dosent unscrew - you will need to use a small flat head screwdriver to pry the mettle cap off I have had success with this on one globe but another I had to cut it off as it just wasent working with a screwdriver but as long as the rubber cap is intact there's not really a problem. 

You could clean the globe if you want to or if it needs it but its not really necessary. 

You can clean and reuse the filter but how many times you can use it again depends on the filter - the cheaper ones don't last long and brake easley whilst others such as the MSR are a lot better and can be used many times. 

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