Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have two grande lamps, with the 100 watt bulb they came with. But they never really start moving only little tiny blobs. Any help?

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How long do you run it for?  Did it ever run better?

You need a 100W reflector bulb. Is your bulb just a regular 100W bulb? Mine wouldn't move on those either. 

Ran for 10 hours. Yes they did run better before, there about 3 years old

Gwen Williams said:

How long do you run it for?  Did it ever run better?

if you have not been running them regularly or they got placed somewhere cold, they could be "frozen"  I had a lamp I bought come that way, just had to over heat it till it all melted, had to run a 32oz for 28 hours till if finally "broke" now it runs great again

Thank you ,I ran them for over 24 hours one working great now other not so much. So I emptied it out and couple my 52 oz that didn't work. And ordered a goo kit from magma tower!! Pretty excited to make my own! Thanks for the help!

Gwen Williams said:

if you have not been running them regularly or they got placed somewhere cold, they could be "frozen"  I had a lamp I bought come that way, just had to over heat it till it all melted, had to run a 32oz for 28 hours till if finally "broke" now it runs great again

 whta color was the wax did you keep it I need red or yellow grande wax that hasn't  had anything added to it

Matt I may have some Grande red wax for you again after I get my GooKit. 

matt01165 said:

 whta color was the wax did you keep it I need red or yellow grande wax that hasn't  had anything added to it

Thanx Erin keep me posted. I have more colossus fitering projects ahead of me.

Will do. Might have some yellow from a 52oz. too. 

matt01165 said:

Thanx Erin keep me posted. I have more colossus fitering projects ahead of me.

I did and it was the red wax purple liquid. So ya I have red wax. And u so suck for having a colossus lol! 

matt01165 said:

 whta color was the wax did you keep it I need red or yellow grande wax that hasn't  had anything added to it

Cool as long as you did not add anything to the goo. melt it down and pour it in a pickle or applesauce jar like Erin did before please don't mix colors thanx. 

Come to think of it I do have some yellow from a 52 oz. And also black from a 52 oz, if ud want that to. 

matt01165 said:

Cool as long as you did not add anything to the goo. melt it down and pour it in a pickle or applesauce jar like Erin did before please don't mix colors thanx. 

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