Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am having the worst run of luck.  Earlier this year ordered four neon 52s from Spencers, 3 of the 4 cloudy, store took them back and exchanged for clear ones.  A for recovery to Spencers.

Ordered five 20 oz neon from planetlava.   All five cloudy varying from bad to just enough to be annoying.  They acknowledged the need to replace but are waiting on lava lite to check off on that.  odd but ok.   

So far 8 of 9 cloudy via online.

Today got two clear view 32oz i ordered from lavalamp.com and they are both unaccepatably cloudy right out of the box.  didnt even bother to unwrap em.

10 of 11 cloudy.  

What the hell? so discouraging, especially when i am so interested in whats coming up with the heritage line... yikes.

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the request for the replacement #2 has been ignored

man im in the same boat, ordered a grande from lava lamp.com and it arrived cloudy, how do u contact susan? I've tried the email feature on their site but honestly still no response after almost a month, is there an easier way to contact them or a direct email to her?

call (800) 336-5282.  i've spoken with susan a few times and she's nice.  she's probably overwhelmed with returns, and i'm not sure if she has much help.  your best bet is to call.

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