Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Above is a pic of the top of a coach lantern I saw today.  Notice that the upright rods appear to have nuts to secure them at the top.  The base has the fake fill cap on it.  I don't recall seeing one like this before.  Has the top been modified or is it a rarer version of the coach?

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Thanks to all for the helpful info on this subject. I noticed differences in the style of the earlier models but had no idea the newer Chinese one looked like this. As usual, I learn something new every time I come here! Hopefully, others will see this post and pick up on what has been shared.
You and me both. And I think the red/purple color combo it came with gives a very Crestworth bent to the lamp.
There are two of the vintage ones listed on eBay right now. Items 190441042258 and 140450218075. Roughly 1 day 18 hours on them to go.

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