Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

 Anyone know what this base/ cap combo was called? has kind of a granite look to it. I didnt know if it had a name, like the midnight or princess series. It is a 32 oz with the bottle cap that says 03 on it. Thanks!! Mark

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That is just a marbleized base made by lava lite. They came in red and white.

oh wow thanks!  The red looks pretty cool too! Now I have to be on the lookout for one! Thanks for the info!!!! Mark

wow really Doc. this is to die for.. Everyone is perfect.. I love the 2nd and last one..

does the white marble have white lava or is it metallic lava..

That's just white gookit. All but the red marble lamp are goo kit wax :) The white marble, when I got it, came with a green/white globe, but if I'm not mistaken it original sold with a purple/clear globe.

Originally, though, red marble came with red/clear, and I'm not sure about gray. I have a red one. They're really uncommon, bordering on rare, compared to other 90s lamps.

I run my red marbleized with a clear/cranberry globe.  Clear/purple on the white marbleized.  And another ginormous thank you to Weebo for making it all happen. 

Are you sure about that? I'm pretty positive the red marble came with a cranberry globe.

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Originally, though, red marble came with red/clear, and I'm not sure about gray. I have a red one. They're really uncommon, bordering on rare, compared to other 90s lamps.

Some may have, mine came (I bought it new) with a standard red/clear. I WISH it had a cranberry!

Mine came with a 03 blue/white. Looks a bit more cream colored tho. Are there variations in white color, or do they change over time?


I've seen them boxed this way with a cranberry globe. Similar to the boxes the safaris came in so maybe they changed the globe prior tot he safari series. I do recall the marbles being part of the mix and match era  when they were at spencers.

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Some may have, mine came (I bought it new) with a standard red/clear. I WISH it had a cranberry!

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