Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have 1 of the torchiere floor lava lamps but can't get the glass removed to change the bulb...I changed it several years ago but forgot how I did it. I'll be very grateful for advice how to get this done. Tyvm.

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COuldn't you jiggle it a bit and try to twist it out

Thanks, Samantha, for the quick reply.  I've tried the jiggle thing to no avail... it's really stuck.  I was hoping there's a "trick" to this particular floor lamp?  There's a clamp-thingy at the top and bottom of it.  Any more ideas? Thank you again.

Sherry, I have never had one of those, but if you can get to the bulb, and it is just stuck, you might be able to use one of those rubber jar opener pads and get it out.  It will give you a good grip.  If that dont' work, those clamps must come loose somehow to where you can get to it.  There was someone else on here a few days ago, who had broken his, and was looking for a new one.   Maybe he'll see this and be able to tell you exactly how to change the bulb.  Sorry I can't be of much help to you. 

Unfortunately I can't get to the bulb.  It's under the glass globe.  I saw a pic of one of these torchiere floor lava lamps on this site a few months ago, but the login / set up process wouldn't let me communicate, so I've decided to give this another try.  The lamp is just SO cool for my classroom (I'm an elementary school teacher).

I'll keep posting and hope someone sees me who can help.  

Thanks again for offering assitance!

Happy SUMMER, Everyone!

Yeah darn my pliable arts lava lamp isn't that difficult to get out of its base. But i do have to twist it out.

Sherry, here is the thread that was posted on May 5th by Shawn.   If he doesn't answer you in a few days, ask again, and it will bump this discussion back to the top where it can been seen again.


Thanks, You Two!

You're very welcome, Sherry! 

Sherry Smithe said:

Thanks, You Two!

Good luck and once you get the answer post on here so we know

Very carefully lift up the arm that holds the torchiere part of the lamp up and away from the top of the globe.  It will seem like you are going to bend it...but you won't.  Its somewhat springy.  You only have to get it off the tip of the black cap on the top of the globe, its not going to move much.  It will take a bit of force to do so.  Once that's clear of the black cap on the top of the globe, just grasp the globe and lift up and out at an angle...that too may be somewhat "stuck" to the plastic base, so it may take a bit of force.  Twisting it slightly while trying to tilt it out will help to free it also.  The bulb is just a 40 watt "golf ball" bulb. 

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