Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello, just joined to see if I could get more information about my lamp, and how to fix the bottle. I believe I bought this lamp at Spencers, it was a demo model, not perfect condition in about 2002. It has been in storage for about 8 years, but it acts funky. The main problem seems to be some wax will stick along a particular side of the bottle whenever I try to run it. The lava also doesn't seem very active. I'm almost guessing the glass along that side might have been etched during storage, and some wax when it comes in contact with it seems to accumulate there. When trying to find info on this particular lamp, there's nearly nothing. I've included a few images. So my questions are, is the problem fixable by myself, i.e. easy? Could someone else fix it? Or is it possible to get a replacement? And any other info on this particular brand/model? After looking at lots of rocket style lamps, I really like the style of this one, so I would like to get her fixed. Thanks, I've had a lot of fun looking around!

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Hi Daniel, I cannot confirm this with absolute certainty, but there are a lot of off-brand Lava Lamps on eBay that have bottles which may fit this lamp. I also believe that they are rated for 25 watt bulbs as well. I've uploaded a picture of an example lamp.

Thanks, Ryan. That bottle does look similar. Does anyone know anything about this mfg?

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