Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My lava light doesn't flow right, its just big globs. Its 48 years old. 

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I'm not an expert, but I would say make sure the bulb is correct and in the proper position and that the room isn't overly hot or cold.  That having been said, 48 years is a long time;  I'm 49 and don't work right either and maybe it's just given up the ghost.  People with more knowledge than me would probably be more helpful, especially if you can add a pic.  Good luck!

I'm not sure what bulb is correct. If it should be 40 or 60 watt. It currently has a 60 watt. 


I restore lamps all the time.

Most of the time the combination of fluid and lava's chemical makeup has reached its lifespan after 30/40 years of use

It also might be temperatures

Ratings for vintage lamps are 40-watt max

60 Watt might be (is) getting the lamp too hot

Claude, I'd like to pick your brain a bit about restoring. May I send you a PM?

Claude J said:

I restore lamps all the time.

Most of the time the combination of fluid and lava's chemical makeup has reached its lifespan after 30/40 years of use

It also might be temperatures

Ratings for vintage lamps are 40-watt max

60 Watt might be (is) getting the lamp too hot

Certainly. You can also reach me at lavalabcreations@gmail.com

Diin said:

Claude, I'd like to pick your brain a bit about restoring. May I send you a PM?

Claude J said:

I restore lamps all the time.

Most of the time the combination of fluid and lava's chemical makeup has reached its lifespan after 30/40 years of use

It also might be temperatures

Ratings for vintage lamps are 40-watt max

60 Watt might be (is) getting the lamp too hot

Claude, do you restore lamps ad a business? Can you restore mine? It is red with what used to be clear liquid. The liquid has turned a golden yellowish color much like the color of vegetable oil. 


Sure. email me @ lavalabcreations@gmail.com

Actually, one of the vintage color combinations is red with an amber fluid

I can make it whatever color combo you want
Vito Linz said:

Claude, do you restore lamps ad a business? Can you restore mine? It is red with what used to be clear liquid. The liquid has turned a golden yellowish color much like the color of vegetable oil. 


Sent you a PM 

Claude J said:

Certainly. You can also reach me at lavalabcreations@gmail.com

Diin said:

Claude, I'd like to pick your brain a bit about restoring. May I send you a PM?

Claude J said:

I restore lamps all the time.

Most of the time the combination of fluid and lava's chemical makeup has reached its lifespan after 30/40 years of use

It also might be temperatures

Ratings for vintage lamps are 40-watt max

60 Watt might be (is) getting the lamp too hot

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