Hi Everybody!!! It's been a long time since I have been on this site. My passion for lava is not dead though lol. Lately, I have been eyeing 52oz lava lites, in particular, blue/white color combos. I see Lava Lite has a heritage collection with 52oz Centurys. They even have the pin holes in the base like the originals. The only difference I see is they don't have the black stand that sits on the bottom of the base.
I am curious how these lamps flow. I remember a few years ago there were rumors about Lava Lite brining production back to the U.S. Are any of their current lamps made here? Sorry for my ignorance if this issue has been discussed.
But anyway, I would love to see some actual pictures of the new Century lava lites and how they flow. If I like what I see, it would be the first time I purchase a lava lamp from Lava Lite in over 10 years. I am hoping they flow nicely. Thanks guys.
Views: 790
Hey, Matt! The lamps are still produced in China unfortunately. While some have experienced decent flow on some models, others have reported total junk. I own a few of the China production Grandes and am split on my feelings. One of them from early China production is one of my best flowing lamps while two of them, being Chinese Heritage Grandes, disconnect from the coil and are just plain finicky to get going properly. I have witnessed the Heritage Wizards running in Spencers stores and every one that I have seen was either overheating or just plain boring.
I have been craving that Heritage Century in red/yellow myself but others experience has kept me at bay on buying one :(
Thanks guys for your input. I figured they wouldn't be that great. Such a shame. I am still tempted to try them out though. Glad I just snagged this on eBay the other day...
Thanks, Alex.
Alex said:
That's a great find you got on ebay, Matt.
Hi Matt, That was a great find! You are much better off with getting vintage lava lites most of the china stuff is junk particularly the smaller lamps. However I have 2 of the Heritage Grandes and I do like them BUT I had to open them up and add a second coil to get them to flow properly. In my opinion I would not waste your money on those China made Centuries tho. Enjoy that Silver Century!!
Matt said:
Thanks guys for your input. I figured they wouldn't be that great. Such a shame. I am still tempted to try them out though. Glad I just snagged this on eBay the other day...
Wow, that is horrible flow. Just boring blobs the same size. The colors look great, but I still can't believe they think this is good flow. Wow.
Brad said:
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