Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have three 16-1/2" basic 90's-vintage lava lamps, and I run them about 10 hours, during the day. My husband is complaining that it's causing our electric bill to go way up, and I say it's going up because it's winter. So......can anybody tell me just how heavy the hit is from a lava lamp. The lamps do get very hot, which kind of scares me, but it's only a 40 watt bulb, after all. Can someone give me info? Thank.

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Yes, that sure helps. Thanks a lot.
Um, I'd look for a new husband if I were you... but that's just me talking. No doubt he has other good attributes.

A 40 watt bulb running 10 hours a day is not going to cost that much. Even three of them won't make the electric bill much higher. Look to other things in the house - older fridge, electric heating, washer and dryer. Perhaps your electric utility has a web page with a calculator or guide to determine what it costs to run different appliances. If not then searching Google may help. In these day it does help to limit spending and saving energy is a good place to start.

In our case the electricity is included in the rent so I guess I could run 100 lava lamps if I wanted. One is adequate unless I find another that I like.
I have checked before and a single 40watt bulb running 8 hours will cost about 10 cents to run, depending on current utility rates.
Keep in mind that they are putting out heat, so the more lamps you run, the less your heater has to run. And if you run enough lamps, you may not need the heater at all! lol
Thanx, guys! Great info.

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