Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi. i just got a yellow mathmos fluidium. and i have to say that it's way to bright. i don't know if it's just because of the yellow color or so. but my eyes hurt just looking at it and i can't enjoy looking at it because of the light shining through the base of the lamp.

so i was thinking about putting some tinfoil on the insidewalls of the base so the light doesn't shine through. but i don't know if this could lead to a some sort of overheating problem.

any ideas if this could work?

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I tried tinfoil once, and yes, there was an overheating issue.

Perhaps somebody here has found a solution the overly bright Fluidium base problem.

did you just put the tinfoil around the bulb or this you try to get it between those spaces?

Try a dimmer!

I don't know if the bulb would still be hot enough. it takes a long time until the wax is starting to flow. 

Simon Lloyd said:

Try a dimmer!

I agree: a dimmer, but use it just after the lamp is running full flow

Can you find a reflector style bulb that'll fit the socket? it will project the light more upward other than all around like the standard bulb does, also you can use a dimmer on it and it'll most likely still flow like it did but with less light.

ok i think i'll give it a try. the fluidium came with a reflector style bulb. i even tried to use the spotlight bulb that is used in the telstar. but there is still to much light shining through. 

Maybe it's also this yellow color that is so extremely annoying.

Try a dimmer and foil as well that should work -  dim it enough so it generates the required amount of heat but doesn't overheat. You could also try using a lower wattage bulb as the ones supplied with fludiums now are just too powerful and the fludiums overheat quickly.

a glass tube came with these maybe paint it black with heat resistant paint

there was no glass tube.

I havent known about any glass tube with fludiums - what do you mean?

krissyfromswindon said:

a glass tube came with these maybe paint it black with heat resistant paint

Heat shields that came with original Lovegrove Fluidiums.

They sit snug in the lamp base, & not around the bulb

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