Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I Can Take No More - Colossus Goo Kit Project (Sorta')

I've tried different coils, removing the small coil, putting in new custom coils, slowly warming the wax for weeks - still my Purple/Pink has not responded.  

It is just too sensitive to temperature changes in its environment - meaning it only runs well in a very narrow temperature range.  I'm convinced its the bloody wax.

So, I've drained the liquid, and I'm in the process of melting the wax on the base.  My plan is to goo kit it with clear liquid and that pretty neon blue everyone likes so much.  This should be fun!


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I appreciate all the support!  

Don't feel too bad about it.  Like I said, this pink/purple was heavily discounted.  I have a purple/yellow that works well and only needs to be turned down like Jim said when the room temps get in the upper-70s.  And then there's my red/clear Colossus.  A perfect lamp if there ever was one.  It doesn't matter what the room temp or bulb temp is - it flows and flows beautifully!

So, I'm working on getting this 3rd one to that same place, and it's a great exercise.  Also, I have LOTS of purple liquid (9 gallons) and LOTS of pink wax (5-6 quarts) to play with!

The wax has finished melting and has been saved off.  The globe is clean.

Looks like I'm a couple quarts shy of having enough goo kit wax, so I may wait until the additional goo kit wax arrives on Monday.  And then again, I may see what it's like with 3 1/2 quarts of goo kit.  More to come...

EGAD, Kirk, I am so sorry this happened, but DITTO what Erin said!!  Bless your heart!   That freakin thing is bigger than I am!!   Good exercise indeed!
Erin said:

Wow, I can't believe you're GooKitting this! Holy CRAP! I would have opted for a refund, but it's fun to watch someone tinker, too...

I wish you the best of luck, friend. 

DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  (you can add more later if you'd like) lol

Kirk said:

Looks like I'm a couple quarts shy of having enough goo kit wax, so I may wait until the additional goo kit wax arrives on Monday.  And then again, I may see what it's like with 3 1/2 quarts of goo kit.  More to come...

Seriously, whenever you do it, take lots of video of the initial run.  Translucent lava in a Colossus seems like it would be absolutely amazing.

Yup, that's where I'm at.  I'm a risk taker at heart, Keith!  So, give me an hour or so to digest my lunch and polish off a couple of beers and then I'll get the globe prepped for the new goo!

Thought I'd just scoop out the goo in spoonfuls and let it melt in the bottom of the globe.  Seems cleaner and easier to me.

Ok - slightly delayed.  Needed to do a little grocery shopping and pick up a few gallons of distilled water.  *wink*

I swished 1/4 cup of Miracle bubbles around the globe and placed the 2 original coils back in the globe.  I then sliced up 3 1/2 quarts of goo and it is now melting in the globe on the base.  Said a special cheer for the goo as cocktail hour began.

Cheers!!!!!  (with diet coke)  LOL   This is the best excitement I've had on a rainy gloomy Saturday.  Go Kirk, you rock!!! 

Roshan says, "Look everybody, the new goo is melted!"

Now it's time to let it cool for a couple of hours before adding the distilled water and surfactant - 1 cup of Miracle bubbles.

What an intelligent, very cute (and probably spoiled) pup!!!!   :-)   Glad he's "supervising."   LOL

Heck Libby, he's smarter than a lot of people I know!  Spoiled?  You betcha'!  He has taken a keen interest in this one.  I think he's probably wondering if it will somehow result in a downgrade of his treats!

I could tell he was very smart, Kirk, and definitely much more so than a lot of people. :)   I think this should result in a "major" upgrade of treats, he's taking his supervisory work very seriously.  Our pups are also spoiled completely rotten. They rule the house and us. 
Kirk said:

Heck Libby, he's smarter than a lot of people I know!  Spoiled?  You betcha'!  He has taken a keen interest in this one.  I think he's probably wondering if it will somehow result in a downgrade of his treats!

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