Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I Can Take No More - Colossus Goo Kit Project (Sorta')

I've tried different coils, removing the small coil, putting in new custom coils, slowly warming the wax for weeks - still my Purple/Pink has not responded.  

It is just too sensitive to temperature changes in its environment - meaning it only runs well in a very narrow temperature range.  I'm convinced its the bloody wax.

So, I've drained the liquid, and I'm in the process of melting the wax on the base.  My plan is to goo kit it with clear liquid and that pretty neon blue everyone likes so much.  This should be fun!


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Ben - definitely prudent.  I wouldn't want anyone attempting this on the basis of my experience with one Colossus.  It's risky, and everyone needs to weigh the risk for themselves.

I'm up early this morning, and its still flowing beautifully.  My red/clear and yellow/purple have just started flowing (turned them on last night), so it'll be fun to watch and compare them.


I added a 3rd coil to my pink/purple.  As it heated up, there was a spot on the bottom of the globe that was clear, so I decided to give the goo something to hang on to in that area.  I also changed the 250w bulb to a 200w bulb.  It has been running beautifully for over a week now on the 200w bulb at full power even if the room is 80 degrees.  Sweet success.

Now, let's fix my yellow/purple for good, too.  :>)

I removed 2 quarts of yellow goo and 2 quarts of purple liquid and replaced them with 2 quarts of Magma Tower goo and 2 quarts of distilled water.

Oh Goody!!!!!   Another great all night vigil....LOL   Go, Kirk, Go!!!!!!!!!

The early spiking looks a little thick, but we'll see...

EGAD, that really does look like a volcano about to BLOW!!!!!   You might ought to get back some, like before.......LOL

Good news!  Impending eruption has been averted!  But we'll need to keep an eye on it.  Pyroclastic flows are a serious threat and not to be trifled with.

You got that right, Kirk!!   And it appears to be backbuilding more pressure from the bottom too.  ROFLOL

DANGER, still watching for pyro flow.........get your canine baby removed from the room.  And my puff balls.  :-)

Kirk said:

The early spiking looks a little thick, but we'll see...

Roshan has left the room and unless we have an unexpected explosion, he's down for the count.  Interestingly enough, your puff balls ARE present - they didn't want to be excluded from this momentous event.

ROFLOL, Keith!   You come up with the most appropriate cartoons.......Is that us watching Kirk fixin to get blowed up?   Hahahaha

Keith - I'm laughing!  Glad you are here!

My puff balls just told me they wanted the heck out of there.  Their hair would get messed up in an explosion.......Remove them....LOL   Glad puppy is out of there, now you back up.   I'm in hysterics, glad Keith joined us....... Dang, my puff ball on the right looks like its hair has already been blown out on a few places.  Where's the "good" spray.........Snort....
Kirk said:

Roshan has left the room and unless we have an unexpected explosion, he's down for the count.  Interestingly enough, your puff balls ARE present - they didn't want to be excluded from this momentous event.

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