Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I Can Take No More - Colossus Goo Kit Project (Sorta')

I've tried different coils, removing the small coil, putting in new custom coils, slowly warming the wax for weeks - still my Purple/Pink has not responded.  

It is just too sensitive to temperature changes in its environment - meaning it only runs well in a very narrow temperature range.  I'm convinced its the bloody wax.

So, I've drained the liquid, and I'm in the process of melting the wax on the base.  My plan is to goo kit it with clear liquid and that pretty neon blue everyone likes so much.  This should be fun!


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Kirk, back away a bit, that does look a little sinister.  As in volcano........

LOL, Libby!

LMBO, Pyroclastic flows can be devastating........ 
Kirk said:

LOL, Libby!

Careful, Libby.  Big words hurt after midnight. lol

I'll have to catch up on this tomorrow, goodnight

Marley's Ghost said:

LMBO, Pyroclastic flows can be devastating........ 
Kirk said:

LOL, Libby!

Tell me, my poor brother lives in Portland, Oregon.

It's doming more, but still a ways from flowing...  The Colossus is slow to heat up with its almost 10 gallons of water.

Night, Keith.

If anyone doesn't know what that is, they can "Google" it, or watch Dantes' Peak.  LOL

Nighty Night, sleep well, but sleep far away from "that."  

Whoops, Sorry Keith, I did it again and thougth you were Kirk.  LOL   You sleep well too!!!  You don't have a volcano in your living room.  :-)
Keith said:

Careful, Libby.  Big words hurt after midnight. lol

I'll have to catch up on this tomorrow, goodnight

Marley's Ghost said:

LMBO, Pyroclastic flows can be devastating........ 
Kirk said:

LOL, Libby!

Libby, we've got lots of perils here in Texas.  Fortunately, pyroclastic flows aren't one of them.

has anyone that we know of goo kitted a colossus before, or is this history in the making?

That's what they said in Mexico too.........before that "Godzilla" of a volcano appeared in a field....
Kirk said:

Libby, we've got lots of perils here in Texas.  Fortunately, pyroclastic flows aren't one of them.

I'm not sure, but I think this may be history, Brad.  Welcome to the show!  I'm glad you're here!

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