Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I haven't set foot in a Spencer's Gifts for ages.  It used to be a cool, cute store.  Wow, I wasn't prepared for what they've become.  I don't really go to the mall much as it is, but wow.  I just wanted to see some lava in their natural retail environment and we were at the mall today with no real plan to do anything specific so I couldn't help myself.  Most other stores were nearly empty so I thought it would a quick in and out.  Of course Spencer's was packed with innumerable 13 year olds snickering at penis shaped jello pans and whoopie cushions so I wade through the smell of pimple cream and overly-heavy scented lip gloss to get to the back of this jam packed store to find the goo section.  They had a meager selection but everything was priced at $26.99 which was pretty reasonable for some of them but I kind of lost my interest at this point feeling rather self conscious being at least three times as old as every customer in the store and more than twice as old as any employee.

The selection of plasma was dismal, I was kind of holding out hope I might find something unique in that area but my hopes were dashed.  Prices were reasonable though for what they did have.  But I just couldn't wait to vacate the store but at least I now know what an NBA player feels like out in public among normal sized people.  And if this store is any indication, Bob Marley isn't a real popular guy in this area as they had tons of BM lamps.  Surprised they weren't marked down.

But Spencer's:  ick.  I'll have to wear my dark glasses if I ever plan to go back and buy anything.  ;)

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I know what you mean! But I still have 7 or 8 lamps bought from there in the last couple of years. Lamps that weren't available anywhere else.

I love going into Spencer's not so much for the Lava though as the selection is usually weak and it is the typical low priced China lamps anyhow. But the crazy, kinky section and all the counter culture stuff cracks me up!

I've been thinking about a rainbow lamp but had only seen and thus assumed they were only available in 20oz. sizes.  Spencer's did have 32oz. rainbows (sorry, Colormax).  About the only other interesting things they had were some neon green/clear 32oz. lamps.  The rest was really run of the mill stuff.

Sounds like you guys have somewhat of a selection at your Spencers. The few we have here either only have the yellow/purple Clearview or the black/orange 32oz. Targets seem to have more of a selection and I have struck out with lamps from them.

Whoa...I was expecting a totally different spin after the subject line and intro there...

I can only imagine, tho-I haven't been in a mall in over THIRTY YEARS-YeeHaw!

proud of that one...hehe 


I don't go to Hallmark for greeting cards for my wife, I go to Spencer's.  Their cards are over the top and typically reflect my true thoughts better than a Hallmark card does.  When it comes to my wife I am a full fledged pervert.  And "I love boobies" tshirts?  The also carry The Jack Rabbit  What's not to love? 

Critter said:

I love going into Spencer's not so much for the Lava though as the selection is usually weak and it is the typical low priced China lamps anyhow. But the crazy, kinky section and all the counter culture stuff cracks me up!

I felt the same way when I went in. I think the kicker for me was the baby onesie that said "Cute as F*CK". My BF just laugh when we're in there. But, if I had kids, you can bet they wouldn't be going in there. I can't believe what's on some of the shirts. I must be getting old...

I swear I'm not a prude...

 Its the last place anyone wants their kids to go. As a kid, its the first place you go.

When I was a kid it was slick and trendy with just one corner being "naughty" and that was pretty mild.  Now it is mostly raunchy and cheap throughout.  As a kid/young adult I was always drawn to the glowy lights, posters and blacklight posters.  The store itself was slick and modern and well put together.  The one I was in the other day was a sticky jumble of raunch.

Sure sign I've gotten old I guess......

Get off my lawn!

Rich C said:

When I was a kid it was slick and trendy with just one corner being "naughty" and that was pretty mild.  Now it is mostly raunchy and cheap throughout.  As a kid/young adult I was always drawn to the glowy lights, posters and blacklight posters.  The store itself was slick and modern and well put together.  The one I was in the other day was a sticky jumble of raunch.

Sure sign I've gotten old I guess......

LOL Autumn. ;)

Man, I went a few months ago because I was at a mall...because my boyfriend and I were taking his 9 or 10 year old niece out for the evening. I had no idea...looking at the plasma's and such and right next to us were dildo's and etc. This girl is VERY sheltered with EXTREMELY religious parents. She is not allowed to watch a movie with cleavage...but she has been watching UFC with her dad since she was like...6??? Crazy, huh? Anyway...we left right away. 

Yes, when I was young, they had dirty joke type stuff, but damn...I did not realize...lol!

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