Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I can't believe it!

It has been a dream of mine for the last 6 years to own this lamp, Marcel offered to sell it to me, we haggled just a little bit, agreed on a price, I paid it, and now he's going to mail it to me! Whoooo!

I will likely never own an Imperial, or a Princess, but I have longed for this lamp ever since I first saw it, to the point of even researching what would go into fabricating one. As you can see, it looks VERY much like a larger size version of the lamps that I mod and sell. It's an Excalibur, but I've never seen one like it. It has the 2nd rarest cap design inlay (apparently), the 8-pointed star, and even if it wasn't rare, it's my favorite one. It won't fit the long neck "wine bottle" Excalibur globes, but I'm finding more and more that Excaliburs often came with the shorter bottles anyway, especially with glitter globes. The "wine bottle" type globes had a penchant for cracking, apparently. I have read 3-4 reports from people who had that happen. I think that might be why production switched to the shorter bottles?

In any case, I'm super excited about getting this lamp. I'm more excited about getting this, I think, than about getting the colossus. The only pictures I've ever seen of a short Excalibur are the ones Marcel took of this lamp, and the only mention I've seen online of one is the thread here, where he talked about it. Has anybody else ever seen or heard of another like it?

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I didn't even recognize it as an Excalibur because they are normally shown looking down on them, but I did notice the base was like those lamps you bought to mod.  I remember you saying how much you like that look! 

Congrats on the lamp! 

Thanks! Yeah, Excaliburs are usually on the floor, meant for best viewing seated near it, but this one is great for anywhere a grande could go, really. I think it's about 4-5 inches shorter than a grande, with a little over a gallon capacity globe, same as a regular Excalibur, I think. I already want to get some spare globes for it!

These are some pictures that Marcel took of the lamp, in 2010. This first one shows the difference between a regular Excalibur and the smaller version really well.

And here is what it looks like dis-assembled.


Too cool

Very nice. I recently took purchase of an Excalibur. The more standard model clear and red.

Thanks, errebuddy! :p

I always liked Excaliburs because of their cylindrical bottles, but now I'm finding out that at least some of the fullsize ones have bottles that are smaller at the base than the top. I think this is only for the "wine bottle" globes, which have the flared bases. Can anybody confirm this? I now think that was the earlier model, which was replaced by the second model, with a base more similar to the short model, wasn't reverse tapered, and used the short-neck bottles.

New production of the Excalibur today uses the non-flared base, and the shorter bottles, so to me that's further evidence that the flared base model used the wine bottle globe, and was phased out.

I always wanted to shorten the Excalibur, so that the ratio of base/cap:viewing window was more in favor of the globe, but until I saw this short version, I thought I was going to have to mod an existing model.

It will definitely go to the home of someone who cherishes it.

THANK YOU again for thinking of me when you sold it, and for making my entire Summer!

I hope you can use the money to buy something you like just as much, but doesn't take up so much room. :)

This came today!

It's beautiful... running it now!

Pics soon. ;-)

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