Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I received my Hunter Glitter (but I'm not so happy about it)

The seller packed well the lamp in a cardboard tube, bubble wrap etc...

but made one mistake by leaving the bottle in the lamp.

The result?

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France, why?

'Cuz if you were in the USA, I have a Hunter I'm not that enamored by. The glitter is tiny hair-thin curved shreds, clear from age, in flame-orange liquid, with very RED copper metalwork.

Could you post a video?

I would love to see this lamp running. (I just saw pictures)

In my case, sadly, there isn't much to see, as the glitter has turned clear. The thing about these is that the action is very comparable to French glitters; they're both fast-moving solvent-based lamps. French lamps also sometimes had thread, hair or strip glitters, something no one else but Hunter tried. Some Hunters had long, thin, straight bits, while others had these little eyelash-like curls. The lava hunters are a bit more unique, as they came in some cool colors (red, blue, green or yellow liquid, red, orange, yellow or purple lava, with oil-like lava). I can take a video if you want, but you really can't see the glitter in mine unless you look really close.

If I can't see there is no need to take a video, thanks anyway.

I will try to save the long glitters of mine (they're all around in the package) but I'm not sure what can I do with them as another member hasn't succeed to make them work.

Well, I've been refund half price from the seller. Better than nothing, but still a loss of 30eur.

If anyone interested in a Hunter base, I have one for sale.

I also spent countless hours to pick up one by one the hair size glitters by hand from the damaged parts and box.

I would say I saved 95% of them.

It was very time consuming to do so, and I'm not even sure it can be used, but I have to do it (I don't advise anyone to do it except you really have nothing to do for more than 5 hours! a nightmare!).

I still have to clean them from original liquid, then I've got an idea to do a special lamp with them, but not sur it will works...

Here is the Tinsel Glitter cleaned:

First I wanted to make it work in a Fireflow bottle .

I was afraid there won't be enough glitter to work in a Jet bottle,

but finaly I went directly to try it on the Jet.

I'm very happy with the result!

I saved it :-)

Hey! That looks great, good job!

Absolutely amazing!  (or as Erin is fond of saying, "Amazeballs!!) lol


It was too bright so now it's tinted.



I love it even better PINK!

It's more like a deep raspberry/purple in real.

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