Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I had a teal on the way from endoftherainbow.com and then found out it was a China-made lamp from LavaWorld, so I canceled my order.

Are the China-made glitter lamps crap, too?

I'd like to have one nice glitter, but don't know a thing about them. Considering I won't likely come across anything cool like I've seen on trippyglitters.com - what should I get?

I saw this on eBay, but again wondered if the China-made glitters were as crappy as the China-made lava lamps from LavaWorld.

Also, what are these things? Are they cool?

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Super! Thanks! How old is the Fantasia lamp?
Can anyone tell me how old the Fantasia lamp is?
Looks like I have my first glitter lamp on the way... I won Bohdan's auction!

The Fantasia lamps are from the late 70s-early 80s.

Bohdan, what sort of refill did you put in that Italian lamp? Looks good.

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