Hey, I've been trying to find a good lava lamp that ISN'T cloudy when I open it, but this is just impossible! I've bought 7 lamps the past week, and all have been cloudy! I work at Target, so it was easy to take it back and get another, but about the 5th time the Guest Service girl questioned if I was purposely ruining them. I told her, of course, no. She didn't believe me. I made her come to the lamp section and open one. Sure enough, it was cloudy. We opened the other 3, they were all cloudy. WHY CAN'T I GET A GOOD LAMP? D:
They are the Lava lite brand, some normal $20 ones and a couple mini Clearviews. Oh the irony, CLEARVIEW. >.>
The clearview base is also completely useless. I thought I'd keep one just for the base of my other lamp the same size, but the wax wasn't even halfway melted 4 hours later. On it's original base, it's bubbling after 20 mins.
So, the point of the topic, why are they allowed to make bad lamps? D:
Views: 1847
Oh, before Christmas I had bought my sister a Zebra striped one with pink wax and clear liquid. That's the only one that was crystal clear and works great. Thank goodness, especially since it was a Christmas present.
Jonathan my friend, you need to pick up some 1990s Lava World lamps. Preferably a Midnight or Silver Streak lamp. Lava Lite makes all their lamps in China now. Before 2003 they were made in Chicago (by me :D).
The CEO of the company is aware of the bad quality control and brining production back to the US is in talk.
I'd just say forget buying a China lamp and get one on eBay. Today's style lamps can't hold a candle to the 90s lamps. And any member of this site would be more than willing to help you properly identify a US made lamp.
You want one like this:
I actually kinda like the glitter lamps better (love the effect on the walls!), but the swirling vortex ones didn't last more than a few days. I went through 3 of those... First one, the motor randomly fried itself. Second one, the LED went out, and the 3rd one just stopped spinning. :C
I saw a photo of an awesome black/purple wizard glitter lamp on here somewhere, what are the odds of finding one similar to it on ebay?
Oh, thanks for the quick reply. :D
Edit, just found one! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Wizard-Glitter-Lava-Lamp-15-tall-bl...
But some of the liquid seems to be missing.
Go for the 70s or 90s glitter lamps. Basically, DO NOT BUY ANY CURRENT LAVA LITE products. Wait until they fix things this year.
But you should get a Midnight Lava Lite Lamp. Best lamp ever!!!
try the 52oz neons from Spencer's. they are about $21 and the current batch isn't cloudy like the previous one was. otherwise, i agree with matt in that you would be better off purchasing a lamp from the 90's on eBay.
The Neons are nice, I'll give them that. Those lamps have potential, but I still see that China flow. Lava Lite has improved though.
Brad said:
try the 52oz neons from Spencer's. they are about $21 and the current batch isn't cloudy like the previous one was. otherwise, i agree with matt in that you would be better off purchasing a lamp from the 90's on eBay.
I would search on Craigslist. Last week i picked up a purple/pinkish Wizard, New in box for $20. Good luck!
Jonathan said:
I actually kinda like the glitter lamps better (love the effect on the walls!), but the swirling vortex ones didn't last more than a few days. I went through 3 of those... First one, the motor randomly fried itself. Second one, the LED went out, and the 3rd one just stopped spinning. :C
I saw a photo of an awesome black/purple wizard glitter lamp on here somewhere, what are the odds of finding one similar to it on ebay?
Oh, thanks for the quick reply. :D
Edit, just found one! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Wizard-Glitter-Lava-Lamp-15-tall-bl...
But some of the liquid seems to be missing.
Would this be a good deal, even with the liquid not going all the way to the top?
My wizards liquid is about 1cm away from the cap when its not on (Look in my pictures) but the liquids rises/expands to literally 1 full inch and covers my cap...I would ask the seller a few questions. But it does seem quite low for a lamp
Jonathan said:
Would this be a good deal, even with the liquid not going all the way to the top?
i must defend lava lite here...the very newest lamps they are making are fantastic. they have really stepped up quality. i have 4 new 52s and they are clear and beautiful! i bought a grande a few months ago from amazon and it was cloudy so i called lavalite and had a chance to speak with someone there...the cloudy issue has been fixed and the only reason cloudy lamps are still being sold is that retailors are still trying to sell off the old stock before ordering new. they also sent me a brand new replacement grande which is just gorgeous! i suggest that if you want nice clear lamps spencers is the place to go. they (or mine at least) have newstock and displays and will even open the lamp box for you to show you its clear before you buy. or you can always order direct from lava lite which is what i will do when i buy another grande.
oh and i forgot to say that my neons after being broke in rival my 90s aristocrats. beliveve me i know what crappy china flow is and my neons are far from it.
and that glitter wizard looks fine to me...i bet the seller didnt wait for the liquid to fully expand before taking pics...mine take about an hour and expands alot.
Thanks for the info Tiffany! There's a Spencer's in my nearby mall, but I am somewhat uneasy about going in there... lot's of "interesting" stuff.
I asked the seller about the liquid in the wizard, waiting for a reply. I hope I am able to get it (hopefully other bidders will give up easily though, haha)
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