Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I am looking to but my first fibre optic lamp and put in a bid for this one (below) on ebay Australia. Personally I thought it was pretty ugly but the FO lamps don't seem to come up very often in OZ so you can't afford to be too picky. As usual with ebay there were no bids until the last few minutes and with 40 seconds to go the high bid was $27. When the auction finished, the winning bid was $203.50 which I thought was astonishing. I couldn't really understand why the bid ended so high. Is this a specially valuable lamp?

Tim Tam

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What a cool looking futuristic lamp. I don;t know it's value, but anyone who was collecting fiber optic lamps or building a space type theme might want this lamp that badly. I could see it getting so high with a very high end of auction bid.
I love that lamp. This is the second one of it's kind listed. Both were from Australia. I was watching it. I really wanted it but $300 dollars for shipping alone was too much for me. Tack on that it went for $200 dollars, $500 total is a bit pricey.

The price it went for is not bad at all. I would have paid that if it was in the states.
It's mega heavy too!
Very cool design. Has a 1930s Art Moderne/Streamline look, like a desk lamp of the era.
Hi Guys,

I'm kind of surprised at how much everybody seemed to like this lamp. To me the fibre optic part was overwhelmed by the light below it and it looks like you wouldn't get the full fibre optic experience. However if you were lucky enough to already have a bunch of more conventional fibre optics then I suppose this one would stand out a bit.

I was shocked at Chris's postage quote. $300 is a LOT of money for post, I think the seller was going to make quite a bit on that. It wasn't so expensive to an address in OZ. I was quoted $32.15.

Thanks everybody for your input. I think it is going to take a while before I can work out how much these FO lamps are worth.

Tim Tam
I was shocked at the postage quote also. (Almost posted the same).
ALPHA CENTAURI said it was mega heavy, which may explain the steep shipping cost.
Yeah it's heavy but what was weird is from here to there it was only like 60/80 dollars. Not sure why it would be 300 from there to here?

It's a gorgeous lamp, that's for sure.

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