Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

It's been awhile. Just popping by to say "hello".

It's been a few years since I've visited the forum. Just a quick not to say hello.

I started collecting vintage lava lamps about 20 years ago. I haven't purchased any lamps for several years, but I still fire up some of the old ones now and then. I've got 2 Coach lamps and a Squiggle Planter running tonight.


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Welcome back! I haven't been posting myself in over a year. I've been checking the site out several times a week and hadn't seen you around. Good to have you back.


Cheers, Fog Rider!

Did you see my 20 year post?  Can you believe OG is 20?!?

Cheers Mark! I know what you mean. Time sure flies!!

Mark Goo said:

Cheers, Fog Rider!

Did you see my 20 year post?  Can you believe OG is 20?!?

Fog! dam its has been a long time! Good to see ya again!

Hello again, Fog! Drop me a note sometime, I'd love to chat.

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