Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

In exploring the site I have run into a few various issues that lamp heads will and do run into.

I have had many positions in life... one main one was a roof contractor ( If youve had the pleasure of using any one of roofers cement/caulks/ tars these are waxy, oily adhesive stick like hell to you and your tools heck any thing that coes in contact...then you feel me., alsoI fancy myself a multi media artist who also loves old metal and glass so I run into many items that need to be cleaned of sticky unidentifialble substances.... hmm

so here goes

Goo sticking to insidesof bottles .\

Lucas #125 Safe-Solve Asphalt and Sealant Remover  or

Oil-Flow Safety Solvent

and for a bio-degradable persons

D_Limonene Degreaser


these products are specificaly creatited for  both organic and non substances like WAX, oil, gum, tar, tree pitch, adhesives, greece, corrosion, sludge    Basically any and all oil base substances

I have not used it in entire lamp but I have  removed two times caps after I get stuck wax to fall and I ever so carefully wiped with cotton swabs the inner ring free of that clinging residue... worked lilke a gem.. also on outside of lamp when ass clowns deciced it would be neat to decorated their lava lamps with stickers....

after cleaning a bottle with any of the three products or anyother product for that matter I would give it a boil to sanitize complete and not comprimise what you will be putting back into it.

you can find these products  at a real roof supply co. or off good ole internet just google

I get mine from Big Rock supply or ABC roofing companies


Just a few thoughts and some of what I use that works for me

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