Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So how many of you have lamps at work? I am considering bringing a giant to work just to see what people say.

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I like the signs too lol
At the moment I have two 52oz. China globes on my desk at work. I'm a Detective. How many lava lamps are too many for a cop's desk? I'm wondering if I'm already over the limit!

LOL I'd feel weird with more than three running here. I have two running most times, but now just one pink Elek-Trick.

And a sexy lamp that is to!!!!
Erin said:

LOL I'd feel weird with more than three running here. I have two running most times, but now just one pink Elek-Trick.

I think two is a good number, I currently have four at work but I share the other two with coworkers.

That's what I'll do. I'll bring in more and say everyone can "share" them with me. Community lava!
Just dont give them the the people that like to shake them! Lol u know just to see what happens lol

Ben said:
That's what I'll do. I'll bring in more and say everyone can "share" them with me. Community lava!
Yup. For some reason people can't resist messing with them. I remember seeing an ad on eBay for a lamp and the seller said something like "I had to shake it to make it work". Whatta idjit!!!
Lol!!! I now get to have lava at work!!! Ive moved into dispatching! For now

Yay indeed!

Metallica man said:

And this week, the talk of the office has been this gorgeous 1st gen Coach Lantern!  What a beauty!

My colleague's wife also made a lava quilt banner to hang over the lava lamp of the week.  Awesome!

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