Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So how many of you have lamps at work? I am considering bringing a giant to work just to see what people say.

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I think i need a filter where do you guys get yours my lamp has been cycling and it unclouding but it is the color of fat free milk

Very nice!

My lavas at work are the lamps in my home because the work here is never done

I got mine on amazon.
It's official, I'm "weird".

I posted a pic on FB of the kids watching Rudolf, and in the background were many lava lamps. I have since been lovingly chastised and called weird for having so many lava lamps. This was on the heels of a coworker telling me I had too many lava lamps at work, saying it looked like I had "moved in" at my cubicle. I think there is some truth to that because I just recently had the balls to bring my Gen 2 neon green grande to work in addition to the 4 other lamps I already had (2 clearviews, 2 52oz China lamps). Ironically the Grande has been a huge hit, drawing oohs and ahhs, but now I've been politely told it's just too many with the little ones. So I brought home the clearviews and one of the 52ozs, leaving a blue/red lamp with the Grande.

So I kinda agree; I let them sprawl out of control. But I do think its funny that the tipping point was with the Grande and that is the most popular lamp now. And I still have 2 52oz lamps on permanent loan to 2 coworkers (including the one who told me I had to many!)

I can't bring lamps into work - I work in a warehouse, it would be completely impractical anyway

It would be cool to bring lamps into work in the communal areas - it would brighten up the place i think every work place needs a fue decent lamps at least.

I've had a few over the years on my desk. Never been a prob until this year I was asked to remove it by a director in the company... Some of the older ppl enjoyed seeing one, the younger ones either seemed indifferent about it.

Thanks for pointing me to this thread Keith!  Wow, you guys do lava in the office right! 

I feel a little out of place with the two tiny lamps I run at work

28 total ounces of goo help me get my work done!

I'm am Avon representative so my home is my work place so i have all my lava's at work

My boss declined my request to bring a small lava lamp to the office. Her response:  "And what next? A bean bag chair? This is an office!"  Clearly, she's never had a lava lamp.

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