Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi Everyone,
I Recently bought a Green Blue 52oz lamp made in (i believe) 1999.
I turn it on and it warms up at it's normal temp and the lava just floats
in the middle of the globe. The floating mass is still connected to the bottom
(still connected to the coil) but it cycles inside the blob and doesnt move around.
Any suggestions?

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Maybe it needs a shot of glycol.
Got a picture of the cap? Does it say lava world/haggerty on it? Or does it say something else?
It says it was made in the US By haggerty (side of the cap)
Ok, so we know now it's a USA globe. It might be a heat issue. Not getting hot enough to break the funnel. You can use a 60w bulb on a dimmer to start it up and get it going then back it down so you don't burn it up. That might fix the issue.

What kind of bulb are you using - clear or frosted? If clear, use frosted and vice versa. See if that helps. If it's a regular appliance bulb, - try using a GE Reveal 40w bulb. They get hotter but not hot enough to destroy the lamp and you can leave it running like normal.

See if that helps any. If not, a new spring might be needed.

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