Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

trying to make a lava head like this.

do I need a coil? are there any instructions on how to make a coil?

I ordered the goo from magma tower..does it contain mercury?

also, how to make sure it does not leak? I am following a previous thread about lava heads which gives a vague idea on how to make them.... I bought the high heat silicone sealant and am looking for a casserole dish to seal the head closed... then I am planning to use an upside down pyrex measuring cup as the base so that the cord can come out the beak of the cup and then maybe a can around the bulb to direct the heat upwards...

has anyone made one before?

any advice would be great

thank you!


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I have built one of these

Recently sold it to a member

I used a small stainless steel kitchen sink strainer that I affixed to the pyrex coaster with silicone'

I suppose a bowl would be more appropriate and add stability (Its top heavy)

I then used a coffee can for lamp holder

Worked fine

cool thank you! i'm going to do it with a coffee can now.

Claude J said:

I have built one of these

Recently sold it to a member

I used a small stainless steel kitchen sink strainer that I affixed to the pyrex coaster with silicone'

I suppose a bowl would be more appropriate and add stability (Its top heavy)

I then used a coffee can for lamp holder

Worked fine

I use a thick glass coaster

I am having trouble getting the goo to move... I've tried for a few days now but I'll leave the bulb on for about 5 hours at a time and nothing seems to be moving... some slow changes and it seems to have made a stalagmite of goo but no blobs or visible movement.. anyone know what the issue could be??

I ordered the goo kit from magmatower.com. 

I'm including 2 photos and a video--it looks to me as though there is hot goo at the bottom which is clear, but for some reason it's not forming blobs or floating upwards. 
I have the head propped up upside-down right now temporarily on the coffecan base with a baking pan to cover the opening, in order to add the dye before sealing it and flipping it over, since once I seal it permanently onto the casserole dish the seal will be at the bottom. The bulb I am using is a 60watt incandescent. I would have tried a larger wattage but unfortunately the larger watt bulbs are too big to fit into the base... There is no wire mesh in it yet since it will be going at the bottom which is now the top. 
Any ideas?
Thank you lava heads!!!


you have too much mass to heat with the pyrex dish under the base

find a can that fits the exact dimension of the bottom of the head so the heat is directed to the base of the head and not heating an entire dish in between (which is acting as a heat sink)

thanks claude - this makes sense to me --- I'm going to look for a candle base. when you made one did you make it with lava or glitter? in the kit instructions it says that you have to add the dye while the lamp is in motion so that's why I'm trying to run it upside-down/open to dye the goo before sealing it and flipping it right side up. how did you add the dye to the goo?

Claude J said:

you have too much mass to heat with the pyrex dish under the base

find a can that fits the exact dimension of the bottom of the head so the heat is directed to the base of the head and not heating an entire dish in between (which is acting as a heat sink)

I did lava

Its been years but I seem to recall that I turned the can upside down and cut a hole the size with a metal hle punch so the lamp sat right over the hole and light bulb

Ignore that instruction about  adding dye a little at a time in the lamp

(As well as microwave directions-(NEVER use the microwave)

I find it changes the properties if overheated

that would only apply to a standard lamp anyway

I ALWAYS add the dye while it was in the container (while heated in a water bath) and stirred it in

hi gooheads,

the saga continues....

I have all the supplies and have everything put together now... but unfortunately it seems the head is not getting hot enough for the goo to flow like a lava lamp... right now all the goo is just sitting at the bottom after the lamp has been on 5+ hours... any suggestions? I'm using a 60watt bulb.. should i try an 80watt bulb?

here are photos, it's turned off now in the photos but the goo wasn't moving anyways

if I put the can I have inside of a larger can, so that the glass base of the head is surround by metal..will that help direct the heat correctly?

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