Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Picked up this Pimp Cup LL base at the Traverse City Michigan good will last week. I cant find any pictures online of it. I,m not sure what Color globe it had or what the cap looked like. Any help is appreciated.

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These were made for a short time in the years after Lava Lite moved production to China. They hold a 32 oz globe and had a matching cap. Here's a photo of it together. I think it has purple lava with clear liquid.

Thank you for the pics too bad I don't have the top for it.

I have one as well and it did originally come with a purple/clear globe. The flow was typical golf ball china style and the cap doesn't sit quite straight on mine, it drives my ODC crazy. Here's a picture of the box... It came out around late Summer/Early Fall 2007 if I remember correctly along with the "Skulls" resin lamp and they were Spencer's exclusives. 


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