Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

***I wasnt sure if this should go in off topic or general goo..sorry if i messed up***

Hello, I originally signed up for this forum while trying to figure out the *safest* way to empty the wax and all liquid from an old lava lamp. Unfotunately, it took a while to get approved and I found the answer to my question.

However, the community was so inviting, I thought Id post about my project...unfortunately...theres no goo...but some of you may find this interesting:

I’ve successfully written a bash script that runs once every minute. The script detects whether or not my server is online by issuing a simple ping request. Based on results of the ping request(s), the arduino will display a green LED when the server is online or a red LED if the server is offline.

The project also notifies me when I get a new email on my gmail accoun, when a user hits my webpage, when an outbound call is made through my asterisk server, or when a call is received on my asterisk server.

My suspicion is that I can actually script this project to work with an actual nagios server.

I've attached some pics of the final product, but there are more pictures (and the code for the project) at my project page:


let me know what you think

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What kind of dog do you have?

Btw - really neat idea!
Hes a boxer... :)

howd you know i had a dog? lol

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