Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I bought a LIPAN Lp01 cylinder lava lamp. I was told these lamps take R12 reflector mini bulbs 25 to 30w. I went to a specialty bulb store and they had R 14 reflector but it was too big. I can't find them. Any alternative ideas that would work?


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hi laura - welcome to oozinggoo!  you may want to try amazon or ebay since specialty bulbs are sometimes difficult to find in local stores.

Hi Brad thanks,
I have looked on ebay and I saw an R 12 for sale. Unfortunately it doesn't look like the bulb that I need. I was hoping there was another type that I could use LOL! I will keep looking, and it's also an excuse to buy a new lava lamp.

Lava Lite sells them http://lavalamp.com/replacement-bulbs same ones they use in the clearviews. I have the same lamp and they work fine.

Really? Thank you so much I thought I was going to have to forget it. It's the 25 watt reflector?

yup, you could also get away with using the standard 25w right next to it too.

I did try the standard and the lava didn't move for me, but I will try the reflector bulb. I don't want to get rid of it. Thanks for replying :)

no probs

awesome!  this site is great.

I Ordered the bulbs! I hope it works.

Thanks guys. :)

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