Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This a fun thread and something we used to do years ago.

When you see a lava lamp on TV. Name the show/episode/time and what model you saw. 

You will be amazed at how often lava lamps are in our entertainment. 

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I guess I never realized how often these show up in TV! Very cool!
This has always been such an awesome thread. Keep it up peeps. I'm really enjoying all your input!
When I visited Haggerty in 1999, they had zero old lamps. They had a few old brochures, but told me that execs tended to nab a few things when they left. The collection of vintage lamps seen in video footage taken at the factory absolutely must date since that time. I'm sure the Haggertys took all of those with them, since they took the effort to get them all. The backgrounds also show some Creators' (out of business by then) rain lamps, Creators' having been a division of Haggerty near its end.

LLD said:
I love watching the old factory videos, what I'd love to know is what happened to all those lamps Haggerty had in their offices. I can't imagine they left all of them to the new owners. So much history in that factory and office.

One of the local (Seattle area) talk shows in the early 90s briefly mentioned lava lamps, and showed a purple/clear Princess screw-top... in a midnight base. A short time later, a guest won a lava lamp... and they handed him a Midnight bottle in a Princess base!


I always wondered whether they fixed that little issue.



The smack transporter. Blue glitter wizard in the background. Very funny.

That was so funny!
Thats hallious - its funny beceuse its true.

Saw these in the new Dark Shadows movie trailer with good ole' johnny boy. Looks like a grande with a modded pedestal base. Surprised its clear lol

Saw a wonder woman lava lamp the other week on The Big Bang theory.

It was in the Comic Shop.



Thats me and what happens when i get a new lamp.. And when i try to improve its flow.. Usually

I wonder how you would get a flow like that LOL

Cute video. That's me when I get a lava lamp, too. :)

Better watch out that new green lava lamp may just come to life!

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