Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok, I've been on here for a few months now and thought it'd be nice to see what everyone looks like (since we'll likely never meet).

Who wants to go first? :)

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hi Deb! lookin good ;D

Hey pretty lady! :)

No need to be shy ;)

lava luva ~ Tiffany said:

another shot of me...sorry its so dark. took some guts for me to post this one. im very shy about my appearance...lol

I love seeing everyone's faces. :) Y'all look wonderful to me. 

Luva, great pic. <3

lava luva ~ Tiffany said:

another shot of me...sorry its so dark. took some guts for me to post this one. im very shy about my appearance...lol

Thanks LL.  :)

lava luva ~ Tiffany said:

hi Deb! lookin good ;D

thanks Deb :)

Deb said:

Thanks LL.  :)

lava luva ~ Tiffany said:

hi Deb! lookin good ;D

Ah why not... 

^ Looks like a good place to be inspired to make wave machines. :p

I'll say it, wave guy is hot.

Derek...refuses to smile. :)

I'm from New Jersey, so I am always close to the ocean.  That is Atlantic City at a German beer pier..

Loren said:

^ Looks like a good place to be inspired to make wave machines. :p

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