Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok, I've been on here for a few months now and thought it'd be nice to see what everyone looks like (since we'll likely never meet).

Who wants to go first? :)

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Ya, finding lava lamps would not help your case.  They just might call in the drug dogs, lol.

LampHead said:

That would have been funny if the cops rolled up thinking they stumbled upon something big.

 "What are you guys doing?"

 "Selling lamps"

 "Yea ok, hands on the car"

"Only dirty, stinky hippies that reek of patchouli oil like lava lamps.  I think we better subject these two to a full body cavity search."

Keith said:

Ya, finding lava lamps would not help your case.  They just might call in the drug dogs, lol.

LampHead said:

That would have been funny if the cops rolled up thinking they stumbled upon something big.

 "What are you guys doing?"

 "Selling lamps"

 "Yea ok, hands on the car"

I think you just about got away with that one Crit.  lol.
Critter said

 We're both lucky I say. I can't imagine being married to a grumpy, old xxxxx who is miserable and nasty in spirit. Oh, and this opinion applies to women collectors whose husbands are not supportive of their hobbies too.

Great photo of you guys, wish we had some snow.
Jim said:

Two absolute stud collectors who both happen to share the name Jim.  Me and Lamphead about to to conduct illicit business in a parking lot.  Lamphead has the best goods. 

My latest selfie

Oh Kermey !   lol.
Metallica Fluidium man Trevor said:

My latest selfie

I wish our snow would stop!  Today should be very interesting and luckily I have the day off due to the President's Day Holiday.  A somewhat rare weather phenomenon - a very energetic snow system that will produce "Thundersnow" (cue the AC/DC).  It is what it sounds like - snow accompanied by thunder and lightning.  Snowfall estimates have been bumped for up to 8 inches, possibly as much as 10 in some areas.

It appears you guys across the pond haven't fared much better.  No snow, but some rather severe winds right?

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Great photo of you guys, wish we had some snow.
Jim said:

Two absolute stud collectors who both happen to share the name Jim.  Me and Lamphead about to to conduct illicit business in a parking lot.  Lamphead has the best goods. 

"Happy Presidents Day to you all"

Yeh, two months of wind and rain.. relentless, the worst in 250yrs, the water table is saturated and sink holes are opening up everywhere.

8/10 inches of snow !  A light dusting would be nice lol.  Still the Sun pops out now and then and the Rainbows are awesome.

Enjoy your holiday.

Yup! I put on a tie for this one lol

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Oh Kermey !   lol.
Metallica Fluidium man Trevor said:

My latest selfie

Thanks Pete......I think.

It makes me feel bad for anyone who has a significant other who is not supportive of them, their endeavors 

and the things that brings them joy (well provided that their hobbies are legal and not harming others).

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

I think you just about got away with that one Crit.  lol.
Critter said

 We're both lucky I say. I can't imagine being married to a grumpy, old xxxxx who is miserable and nasty in spirit. Oh, and this opinion applies to women collectors whose husbands are not supportive of their hobbies too.

Anytime Critter ... its give and take... but when the moons out and the wind is in the right direction !!!  ;)
Critter said:

Thanks Pete......I think.

It makes me feel bad for anyone who has a significant other who is not supportive of them, their endeavors 

and the things that brings them joy (well provided that their hobbies are legal and not harming others).

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

I think you just about got away with that one Crit.  lol.
Critter said

 We're both lucky I say. I can't imagine being married to a grumpy, old xxxxx who is miserable and nasty in spirit. Oh, and this opinion applies to women collectors whose husbands are not supportive of their hobbies too.

I know I haven't put many photos on this thread (I don't have many I take myself) but hears one of me before going out for the night. 

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