Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My friend once said truck stops are magical places. Meaning you can find the coolest most obscure hard to find stuff there.

Today, I was milling around after lunch when I came across this beauty just sitting there on a table. I asked if they had others thinking this was just the floor model. The cashier said they had a bunch earlier but all that was left was that one and I could have it for 1.99. Sold!

It's battery opperated and has a nice light. I'm hoping it will fan out more with time but it's still pretty cool. The cashier and I both talked about how we had similar lamps as kids but I hadnt seen one personally in a while let alone one in black. It cycles through a series of colors which on the black really pops. I tried to take a few pics of it in the dark but my camera wasn't too fond of it but I figured you all would like to see it since there are those here who like the fiber optic lamps.

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I've never seen a black one either, nice find!

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