Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This is a long shot, but does anyone have a cap for a 52oz globe they want to sell? It is the plastic threaded kind that went on American made lamps. I don't care what color it is. I have a a globe that is missing a cap.

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I have screw caps that fit the older 52oz globes.  They are just metallic flat screw caps, but you can put a silver or black decorative top over them.

I get them from SKS.  They are the 48/400 size.


 If I can't find one of the plastic caps would you be willing to sell me a couple of the 48/400 ones? I don't need a giant bag of them. Still need some glitter from you too, that's what's eventually going in this lamp once it's cleaned up.

Kirk said:

I have screw caps that fit the older 52oz globes.  They are just metallic flat screw caps, but you can put a silver or black decorative top over them.

I get them from SKS.  They are the 48/400 size.


I'd give them to you if you'd cover the postage.  First class mail is a couple of bucks.


I need a cap also:  Please email some instruction..... 




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