Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

     Magma Tower and it's Goo Kits are now on Facebook and we want to see all of your Goo Kit lamps, everything from simple revamps to custom built projects. Like us and share your favorite Goo Kit projects with us for a chance to win Goo Kits and products along with staying up to date with our latest promotions and upcoming Magma Tower lamp releases.  Find us at www.facebook.com/MagmaTower and as a special thanks to the Oozinggoo community use the coupon code oozinggoo at checkout to receive 10% off any orders from now until the end of September. 

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Maybe I missed it somewhere, but I don't see any info on the Spectrum lamp as far as what it costs, when it's going to be available, or how to order. Can you please give some specifics?

I question if that lamp will ever live up to the 2+ years of hype its received. Their Facebook page is littered with stuff about the Spectrum, but none of the core essentials you asked for. To me its just a concept lamp, nothing more.

Rob C said:

Maybe I missed it somewhere, but I don't see any info on the Spectrum lamp as far as what it costs, when it's going to be available, or how to order. Can you please give some specifics?

I don't think that lamp will ever hit the streets. Several years ago I was told it would be available in May (of '13).....It ain't here yet.

Thank you!!!!  I need goo!!!

I realize that this has been in development for quite some time, but those who were involved with the roll out of this product are gone. With the exception of Lava Louie himself everyone has been replaced. I have been put in charge of this product and I'm doing everything in my power to reestablish Magma Tower and Goo Kits,and I plan to have the Spectrum released around the new year. I apologize for any empty promises from my predecessors, announcements on price points and a specific release date will be made on our Facebook along with both of our sites. What i can tell you is that we are in a private limited release. It's not a concept, your long wait is almost over. 

And don't get me wrong - I will have cash in your hands for one of these so fast it will make your head spin. We absolutely would love to see this lamp become a reality, but a simple search on "Spectrum" on this site will illustrate our frustration. We are lava lamp junkies on this site - if the Spectrum delivers as promised then what's not to love?

Goo Kits said:

I realize that this has been in development for quite some time, but those who were involved with the roll out of this product are gone. With the exception of Lava Louie himself everyone has been replaced. I have been put in charge of this product and I'm doing everything in my power to reestablish Magma Tower and Goo Kits,and I plan to have the Spectrum released around the new year. I apologize for any empty promises from my predecessors, announcements on price points and a specific release date will be made on our Facebook along with both of our sites. What i can tell you is that we are in a private limited release. It's not a concept, your long wait is almost over. 

Oh and I am with Jim....money in hand for a couple of these if they become available.

Well, its now November,.. Any progress on a release date?

Thanks. I'll secure my piggie bank

That is what we have it slated for currently

Marcel said:

I asked them and they said in the first half of 2016.

Claude J said:

Well, its now November,.. Any progress on a release date?

lol the spectra lamp is like the lochness monster, you only hear about it and see pictures but you dont know if it really exists or not. Well lets hope that it does come when you say it will, any idea on the cost of the spectra?

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