Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to give you a heads up that the Magma Tower website has been redone. Also, the gookits.com website will be getting a make over soon as well. We will start selling the kits straight from the website. The ebay store will still be up during the transition but will eventually be taken down.

Any advice and/or criticism is always appreciated. We want to make everything as easy and user friendly as possible for you guys.




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I sense I am not alone on this one, so its update time.  Jonny, please oh please give us some more information on the Spectrum lamp.  We have heard about this lamp for quite some time, but its not been available as of yet.  In asking, I do hope that you will place my name at the very top of the wait list - I am ready to pre-pay/offer a down payment today!


Now that I am back helping out at Magma Tower, my first priority is to get the Spectrum done. I helped develop that lamp in 2009 and once I left, not much was done to move forward with it. It will be available for purchase by the end of this year. I am working diligently with Louie to perfect the controls now. I assure you that it will be worth the wait.

One of the main features is going to be controlling it from your smart phone. You will be able to change the color to whatever you want or have it cycle through colors as well.

We also plan to offer different shroud options.

I will post pics soon.

Jim said:

I sense I am not alone on this one, so its update time.  Jonny, please oh please give us some more information on the Spectrum lamp.  We have heard about this lamp for quite some time, but its not been available as of yet.  In asking, I do hope that you will place my name at the very top of the wait list - I am ready to pre-pay/offer a down payment today!



Hey man maybe you can give us some insight on your metallic wax attempts. Lizette told me that you guys werent doing the metallic wax, maybe you can help us out by telling us what you used for your gold wax?

And controlling via smartphone? wow that would be INSANE!

I appreciate the warm welcome back! I am glad that I got most of my user accounts back.

For the gold wax I used a very fine gold flake that they use for painting cars. It looked fantastic for about a week but then it bled out to the bottom. I wouldn't recommend it unless you want it for something temporary and are cool with tossing the wax afterwards.

I am not full time with MT but I still intend on playing around with some new color options for you guys.

Of course man we would never delete you accounts ;)

You know I thought about that too using car paint flake but I figured its not much different then using powdered mica. Which eventually does the same thing. Do you have guys at MT that could dissect a metallic wax lamp? they do sell them (china made) maybe they can find out what is used in them.  We can get metallic sharpies to work but not as well as these china metallic lamps. Here's one I did with a gookit and about 52 sharpie markers worth of ink.

I wasn't worried about you guys deleting me. I was locked out of all of my accounts (email, user accounts, etc) do to a confidentiality agreement when I had the fall out with the previous owner. Luckily my files were all still there :)

The silver lamp you built is pretty bad ass! We do not have anyone that can reverse engineer the chemicals used with the china lamps. I am already inquiring to different companies about possible new colors including metallics that we can start testing with our goo.

Well that would be just amazing if you guys can pull off metallic wax. This has been a head scratcher here for many years now lol. One thing that may help out, as far as input on new colors goes, with your aqua color dye pack for example, you know that light bleeds thru this color right? Almost giving it 2 colors when flowing which is kind of cool but not always what we want.

I will check out the aqua and see what it's doing. I love being back on here. Getting insight from the Pros is invaluable. Hopefully we can all work together to get some cool features you guys have been wanting perfected and available.

I never tried the aqua on globes small then a grande so it may have a different effect with a 32 oz or 52 oz.

I'm going to be honest with you...I'm glad there was a shakeup over there. I have had HORRIBLE problems with MT lately. :(

welcome back!  are kim and lizette still with MT?  just making sure who I need to contact for support in the future.

Johnny, what about the lamps you had previewed that dont need a bulb?


and http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/blacklight-goo?context=user


also, are you ever going to develop normal size lamps at all for the general consumer market, like lamps that would be around the range of the lava lite 32 oz and 52 oz range? Im insanely interested in your products and new technology, but I would love it in a smaller package that would fit with the rest of my collection :)

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