Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all, I'm a newbie here and was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a good lava lamp that will ship to Malaysia? I'm looking at it being at least 16' high.

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Hello, did you mean 16 inches? If so 32oz and 52oz lava lite lamps are 16 inches tall. Id go for the 52s since they look better IMO. As far as shipping goes, im sure you can find ebay sellers willing to ship that far if not, maybe a member on here is willing to if you cover the shipping charges of course.

I did find a few ebay sellers willing to ship here. Was actually on the brink of buying but read somewhere that shaking the package might irreversibly ruin the lava...is this correct?
I also read that lava lites are not good in terms of quality. Totally confused now!

Well, first things first. Lava Lite was a US based company until 2002, at that point they moved production to china where they make the lamps for cheaper, sell them cheaper and theyre clearly lesser quality. The new Lava Lite lamps are all made in china but its not nessesarily a bad thing. I have beautiful china lamps and shitty ones as well. I think its a 50/50 chance on getting a good china lamp, but with shipping the odds get stacked against you.

Shipping ANY lava lamp regardless of quality or make tends to make the liquid go cloudy. This can be prevented by shipping the lamp upright and not shaking it too much or at least keep it upright if shaken. That being said, a long trip to Malaysia would be a long shot but you can still get a good lamp all the way over there, it has to be packaged correctly and carefully, thats where i would trust a member from here over any ebay seller.

Ahh. Thanks for the explanation. In that case i'll wait and see if any body else willing to ship to me replies...of course shipping charges will be covered by yours truly :)
In the meantime, if you know of anyone, send them my way.
Member "Siryn" had a good amount of lamps for sale, all USA lamps.

Any thing special your looking for?

I was looking for the telstar mathmos. But am also interested in the US made lava lites.
Well i can get a telstar. But its prob cheaper to buy one from someone in the uk the usa telstars are $130 and hard to find used. However i can help u with usa LL and would love to be able to say i shipped a lamp to Malaysia! What are u looking for 32oz or 52 oz. and what colors?

How much would it be...roughly to ship a 52oz here? 

As for colours, I'm really attracted to the 'transparent' ones...not sure what the proper term is. For example, black on a transparent 'background', or red on transparent. But not sure how that will look in a darkened room?

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